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What are the tips for website optimization

Source: Popularity: 3249 Published time: 2019-05-06 15:11:56

Now many corporate bosses have participated in a variety of network marketing promotion training, which is not without a course about the corporate websiteSEOSkills, each SEO training institutions for SEO understanding is different, different methods of operation, now small make some simple summary of SEO skills。

What are the tips of webcasting

1) The choice of website domain name

When selecting a domain name, the simpler the domain name is, the easier it is to remember.com,.net,.cn, the reason for this choice is because their weight is declining step by step, so we try to choose a high-weight domain name suffix。同时,We need to check whether the domain name has been used before before registering it,Whether there are cases of being punished by search engines,Generally can site domain name to view the inclusion of the domain name or query the history of the domain name through the anti-chain,If there is already no problem with the old domain,Use the old domain name to do seo more powerful,The sandbox period in the early stage of the new station will pass directly。

2) Selection of server

Server Whether you choose a domestic server or a foreign server,Regardless of whether the IP,Be sure to choose a server with fast access speed, stable operation and guarantee,Xiao Bian recommends the use of Ali cloud server,Good performance,Easy to use,Many SEOs think that it is better to use vertical IP,Avoid appearing on a server where a website is penalized,Other sites on the server are affected。Xiaobian after a lot of testing and jade webmaster discussion, think that in fact, this has no impact, and is not the punishment of "linking the nine families"。

3) The use of site building procedures

Select the station building system,As much as possible, do not choose intelligent site building program,Such programs are generally visual operations,It doesn't matter if it's a purely display site,For SEO sites,Probably not a good fit,A lot of style code is stored in the front page of the website,Seriously affect the crawling efficiency of search engine spiders,The inclusion of the website is very unfavorable,The best is to use the CMS system to build the station,The selection is simple and easy to use,Powerful function,SEO performance outstanding CMS system,At present, there are many well-known CMS systems on the market,For example, weaving dream, Empire, Zhuoshang station treasure, Mituo and other CMS systems with a large number of users,Especially Zhuoshang station treasure CMS,SEO performance is particularly outstanding,This is the CMS system of the station group,Flawless interface with all the features and related interfaces that are good for SEO,The background operation is very simple,Full support for customization。

4) The choice of website template

The front-end page template of the SEO site, the simpler the better, which is purely broken from the perspective of SEO, in actual operation, because of the needs of publicity and content layout, it will be interspersed with more content modules。However, in any case, then the use of page labels, style specifications, column layout, navigation bar Settings, breadcrumbs Settings, the whole site chain, etc., need to be in accordance with Baidu SEO guidelines and actual user search needs to layout the website, so that search engines and users both like our website。

5) Update and maintain the site content

The website needs to keep valuable content updated and submitted to search engines at the first time。Here we need to regularly update high-quality pseudo-original and original, no time to edit content, you can find from the Internet about copywriting services and personal assistance, and maintain regular updates, so that we can better cultivate the frequency of spiders crawling the site。

6) External chain construction

By signing up for paid or free platforms,Publish some high quality external links,Choose as many external chain properties as possible,Such as B2B external chain,Classification information outside the chain, navigation website outside the chain, forum outside the chain,Blog external link,News media external chain, we media external chain, etc,At the same time, regularly exchange links to similar or the same industry with fewer links。

7) Change from station to number

The birth of Baidu Bear Paw,Baidu SEO began to change from the station to the number,The official website gives more than 80% traffic support,The audit that Bear Paw passed,Can be calculated on the "second included, second ranking",Through the docking of Bear Paw number and official website data,All content in the background of the website can be directly connected to Bear's Paw,Baidu review quickly included and give show ranking,For the industry with large demand for Baidu's mobile traffic,This is a real bonus。

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